Building on Our Strengths
A fleet of three Holmwood Highgate triaxle bitumen road tankers has kick started Camlin’s pathway into Bituminous Transport. Our company name is synonymous with reliability and professionalism, and our growing fleet of insulated road tankers provides the opportunity for multi combination solutions to distribute Bituminous products – On time, and on temp, Australia wide.
Bitumen is used in road construction due to its versatility and other unique advantages over other materials. It acts as a binding material in asphalt, predominately utilised in road construction and waterproofing due to its strongly-adhesive tendencies.
Camlin’s impeccable track record of the safe transport and transfer of DG gives us the platform to provide hot bitumen to our customers. Through the use of specialised equipment, highly skilled operators and proven risk management practices we have the capability to continue to develop and grow our presence in this Industry.
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